Drug Screening
The Professional Recovery Network uses RecoveryTrek to provide confidential drug testing for participants. PRN staff will add you to the system once a contract has been signed that includes drug screening. RecoveryTrek will then email you a registration packet, at which time you will complete the registration process. Please note: the password assisgned is only good for 24-hours, so be sure you register immediately after receiving the email from RecoveryTrek.
RecoveryTrek Contact Info
RecoveryTrek Main Number: 757-943-9800
IVR for Drug Screening: 757-414-6039
Website for Online Check-In: www.recoverytrek.info
Vacation Requests
Vacation requests can be made to suspend you from drug screening for various reasons (i.e. travel for vacation, family emergencies, etc). Requests must be submitted to your PRN case manager at least 2 weeks in advance via the RecoveryTrek portal.
If you are requesting a vacation that is longer than 7 days, prior authorization from the PRN Director will need to be made. Please be prepared to show proof of travel. Accepted verification can include, flight information or lodging information.