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Professional Recovery Network

Sober Brown Girls Is A Rare Safe Space For Women Of Color Looking To Overcome Addiction

A particularly grueling January morning which followed another night of binge drinking led Sober Brown Girls founder Kirstin Walker to find her way toward sobriety.

In hindsight, she realizes it was shame that had kept sending her back to the bottle.

“Guilt shows up in so many different ways in addiction, I would wake up every morning with this  heavy — like a whole body was laying on me — sense of guilt, because I couldn’t control myself,” Walker told Blavity. “What in the world is that all about? You can control yourself. You have power here. But there was that profound sense of guilt of letting my family down.”

Walker, 39, says her problematic relationship with wine dominated her weekends until, one day — the morning of her mother’s doctor’s appointment — it left her helpless.

“That fear is what changed the tables for me, because then I did start to think ‘What if something happens to the kids and I can’t get out of bed, or I’m stuck on the toilet, or I’m sick? What would really happen? This is out of control. If you can’t get out of bed to take your mom to a scheduled appointment, what would happen during an emergency?'” she said.

The mom of two said she founded Sober Brown Girls last February as both a safe space for other women of color who may be struggling with addiction, as well as a means to hold herself accountable as she documented her own journey towards recovery.

In fact, Walker told Blavity, she launched the Instagram page before she even shared her sobriety with her husband.

“It’s very important, especially in early sobriety, to get your community of people who understand you. I have a very amazing friend and she didn’t know half of the secretive drinking I was doing, or how sick I was all the time. I was very good at hiding it. But I can be vulnerable with this other set of people because they understand. They get this disease. I can be vulnerable on a whole ‘nother level,” she explained. 

But Sober Brown Girls encapsulates a more nuanced mission than sobriety alone. For Black women, Walker says, the road to recovery is paved with microaggressions.

“Our traumas are very unique as Black women. When I’m in a group of white women — and they do dominate the sober space — there are certain topics, certain nuances of my addiction that they won’t understand,” Walker said. “But I know if I get in a room with Black women, or I have a Black counselor or a Black lead, it makes a world of difference to me.”

Indeed, sober spaces are not exempt from the harmful, dark-cloud stereotypes that often trail Black women. In conversation with Joy Sutton at American Addiction Centers (AAC), Walker explained that Black women are oftentimes preceded by a singular stereotype in sober spaces: crack addicts.

“What really hit me in speaking with Kirstin, was when she spoke about going to a meeting and people touching her hair,” Sutton, the Director of Corporate Communications at AAC told Blavity. “Even in everyday life being a Black woman, you have to explain yourself. So not only coming into a space where you have to explain yourself and deal with what you’re going through, Kirstin talked about going to meetings and having to explain that it was alcohol and not crack. Just all of the stereotypes.”

The crack epidemic of the 1980s encapsulates a criminalized way of thinking about addiction now considered archaic by the sober community, which generally approaches addiction as a chronic illness today. With the adoption of supervised injection sites and the expansion of emergency responders’ training on how to reverse an overdose, the U.S. response to the opioid crisis is marked by a measure of compassion and support that was not extended to Black Americans victimized by the crack epidemic.

“Well, it was Black people who were doing it,” Walker said. “The messaging was: ‘Control yourself, get yourself together, pull yourselves up by your bootstraps.’ But now we get it. This is a huge chronic illness that needs treatment. This isn’t just because I’m a bad person and I just want to feel this way. I didn’t want to throw up three to four times a week. That didn’t feel good. I would start having fears, knowing the vertigo is coming. What if we had the conversations we had around opioids, with crack?”

Sutton says the science-informed approach to addiction treatment as a chronic illness, rather than an issue of crime or morality is the result of society’s evolved way of thinking — and that we’re better for it.

Today, more than ever, Sutton says it’s crucial for those battling addiction to remember that they are not alone. AAC chose to keep its doors open throughout the pandemic as people across the nation found themselves isolated from their coping mechanisms, and tempted by their former vices, Sutton told Blavity. The center has started an online support program, with membership reaching over 1,000 online users.

The group’s virtual Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings are intended to provide a sense of safety and support. They’re offered in place of the conventional 12-step meetings that the pandemic has left so many feeling isolated and vulnerable without, the AAC Facebook page explains.

“Anxiety, stress and isolation are triggers for relapse. So in this pandemic we have had the perfect storm,” she explained. “People are losing their jobs, are isolated in their homes, so people that had that supportive community, could go to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and be around other people, now all of a sudden found themselves in isolation. When you had that, coupled with the stress, it led people to start drinking again, to start doing drugs again.”

Walker’s own struggles with alcoholism speak to the power of isolation. She says her addiction was marred by feelings of shame, and maintained by secrets: tools she picked up in a household governed by a code of silence.

“When I was growing up, not only was it ‘What happens in this house, stays in this house,’ but when you were vulnerable, there was a possibility that someone else would find out this information that you’ve entrusted in confidence,” Walker told Blavity. “This environment makes you scared to be vulnerable and come out and say what you’re feeling. It’s hard to feel that you’re in a safe space.”

Walker says this aspect of her upbringing has guided her in her own motherhood, as she remains fiercely committed to fostering feelings of openness and transparency with her children. What’s more: it’s informed her approach to supporting others in sobriety.

“Just trusting people is something that is still very new for me. As far as everything being secretive, that wasn’t gonna be a part of my household, no way,” Walker said. “With Sober Brown Girls, I want people to know when they come here, it’s safe. I’m very honest on the page when I’m having a rough day — or what a craving is like — when I’m having a good day, what tools I’m using. We laugh, we cry. I want them to know this space is real and it’s safe, and you’re welcome here.”

While Walker arms her fellow sober brown girls with the tools to cope with life and chronic illness, at AAC, the path to recovery is pronged by other avenues of wellness and self discovery. Untreated mental illness is often an unidentified companion to addiction, Sutton told Blavity.

“With the majority of people who come into our treatment centers, we’re not just treating them for addiction. It’s also anxiety, PTSD,” she explained. “There is a strong correlation between mental health disorders and addiction. But it’s no wonder because when you’re struggling, you’re trying to find a way to just feel normal. What you’ll find people often say when they’re dealing with addiction is ‘I wasn’t even drinking for pleasure, I just wanted to feel normal.’”

For Walker, this pursuit of “normalcy” amid anxiety and depression came without context or explanation. Yet again, the answers she needed lay hidden behind the veil of secrecy.

“Who knows who in my family could have suffered from anxiety, depression, postpartum depression, the way I have?” Walker posited. “It could have been generations and generations, but because we don’t talk about these things, we don’t know. I couldn’t turn to a family member because we never had those discussions. They may have thought it was something completely foreign or wrong with me. I didn’t want that judgement. Therapy is not a bad word. I love my therapist. I love my medication, that’s not bad either. It was actually what I needed instead of the alcohol.”

Still, Americans’ problematic relationship with alcohol is not driven by feelings of secrecy and shame alone.

In her sobriety, Walker says she has become aware of the predatory nature of industry advertisements — especially in their targeting of women consumers.

What’s more insidious, Walker finds, is the chasm between her own experience with the painful consequences of overconsumption, and that which is portrayed in the media.

“It’s pretty irritating to watch a movie and see the amount of alcohol they are drinking, and then in the morning see they’re bright eyed and bushy tailed,”  Walker admitted. “In what world? How are you binge drinking and just getting up and living your life? Show us what it really looks like to be hungover.”

The Alcohol Rehab Guide reported that the portrayal of alcohol in television programming and advertisements does in fact have an impact on viewers, as this portrayal is intended by alcohol companies to trigger cravings for certain alcohol brands as well as deepen social acceptance.

The impact, Sutton finds, is further normalization.

“This culture of binge drinking allows people to continue to be in denial. If society is telling you that over drinking is fine, people end up thinking: ‘I don’t have a problem, everyone does this,’” she explained. “When we have an industry that normalizes excessive drinking, it’s hard for people with an addiction to come to the point of realizing ‘I have a problem and I need help,’ because people are telling them ‘You need this, you deserve this.’”

But the media’s propagandic depiction of binge drinking is not limited to romanticizing the morning after. The general understanding of alcohol’s potential deadliness is also largely lost on Americans, Sutton finds.

“People think opiates like heroin are the deadliest to come off of. The truth of the matter is, it’s alcohol. We tell people to be careful if you’re trying to detox at home, because depending on how long you have had this toxic relationship with alcohol, you may find yourself having withdrawal symptoms and even seizures. If that happens, you need to get yourself to the emergency room. I think because we’re in a culture where it’s kind of like ‘Oh alcohol is safe, you can drink’ people aren’t fully aware that dependency and detox can be deadly.”

While the general public remains blissfully unaware of the true dangers of detoxing from alcohol, a hurricane of fear stood in the eye of Walker’s unchecked addiction — fear of not drinking, that is.

“What was I gonna do with all that time? What was I gonna do on the weekends? How were my friends gonna take this, when our whole interaction, before Corona, was centered on alcohol?” the questions buzzed through Walker’s mind, a steady and discouraging taunt.

Today, Walker is one year sober and enjoys the long stretch of weekends that reach for miles, unclouded by the haze of alcohol and hangovers.

“I’m crafty now, who knew at 39 that I’d be crafting?” Walker said. “There are so many different tools and hobbies that I’ve started to lean on. I love reading now. I have so much time on the weekends, which is crazy because i used to always feel like my weekends just flew, because i was sick half of the time. Now it’s like my weekends are forever. I can get into my coloring, I can get into my crafts, it’s been really fun. It’s taken a while to get to this point, to find these different tools, because my only tool used to be alcohol. It’s really an awakening.”

For more resources on the path to recovery, visit Sober Brown Girls and American Addiction Centers.

by Danielle Maya Banks – April 07, 2021 at 10:39 pm

The authors have no relevant financial relationships.


As Overdoses Reach New Highs, Messaging on Addiction Needs More Nuance

Fascinating new research suggests on how to reduce the stigma of addiction and why Biden health officials should read it.

Although the coronavirus has overshadowed the drug crisis, fatalities due to opioids and stimulants continue to climb, with a new high of 81,000 deaths in the 12 months ending in May 2020. One remedy is drug treatment, but more addicted people need to take advantage of it and more funding is needed to fill gaps in the nation’s treatment system. In this environment, so-called anti-stigma campaigns have flourished. One target audience is people who feel too ashamed to get help.

The other is politicians who have the power to invest more in treatment, along with the public who, ideally, will pressure them to use it. The problem is that the two audiences would seem to require different messages. Getting this right is essential if we want to help addicts and their families.

Here’s the issue: Anti-stigma efforts tend to use medicalized language in their appeals, describing addiction as a “brain disease.”

This could be a problem, however, according to research done by one of us (John Kelly), because such rhetoric may stoke, rather than soften, negative feelings about people who are addicted to drugs.

The impetus to medicalize addiction messaging can be traced to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIDA. In the late 1990s, it declared addiction a “chronic and relapsing brain disease.”

That assertion was usually accompanied by a technicolor scan of a brain, a computer-generated map of neural activity that said, in effect, “This is your brain on drugs.” The tactic was well-intended and intuitively appealing: make addiction look like any other disease, and support will follow.

Indeed, over the years, “brain disease” language and imagery have been adopted by scores of advocacy groups. “The science is indisputable: addiction is a chronic disease that changes the brain,” says Shatterproof, an organization devoted to improving treatment quality.

You won’t find this approach—addiction as serious brain disease —in anti-drug TV ads. But it is a staple of PowerPoint presentations and advocacy messaging seen by politicians and health care stakeholders and the public. You can see some of it here in an educational video from the Addiction Policy Forum.

Similar “brain disease” messaging comes from the Partnership to End Addiction, (related to the former Partnership for A Drug Free America, which gave us the actual this-is-your-brain-on-drugs ad). Presidents Obama’s and Trump’s Surgeon Generals have called addiction a “chronic brain disease” and NIDA reliably incorporates the message into congressional testimonies.

In view of the need for more treatment funding, Kelly wanted to know what kind of language worked best to prime the general public to help addicted people. Was featuring the brain always the best approach? Probably not.

His study, published in Addiction, involved more than 3,500 adults from a nationally representative sample of volunteers who enrolled in an online ‘KnowledgePanel.’ All of the participants read a vignette about “Alex,” who was in a treatment program for opioid use.

The study’s aim was to test exposure to a variety of commonly used medical and nonmedical descriptions.

In general, Alex was seen as least blame-worthy when the opioid addiction was described using the biomedically loaded term (“chronically relapsing brain disease”)—this is indeed the objective that advocates of medical terminology hope to achieve—and most blame-worthy when described as having an “opioid problem.”

Between those two poles, study participants attributed less and less blame to Alex as they encountered the other terms (“brain disease” to “disease” to “illness” to “disorder”).

The problem is that the use of medical terminology led to a lower perceived likelihood that Alex could recover, greater opposition to social inclusion, and a greater perception that Alex was dangerous. In effect, a brain-on-drugs message promoted empathy for Alex, but it didn’t help the Alex’s prospects for higher education or employment.

The findings of the “Alex” experiment aren’t outliers. They’re consistent with findings of studies of mental illness. Although medical, biological, genetic, or neurobiological understandings of mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, reduce the blame attached to sufferers, they increase aversion, perceptions of dangerousness, and pessimism about their chances of recovery.

This phenomenon, which psychologists Nick Haslam and Erlend Kvaale of the University of Melbourne have called the “mixed-blessings” model of stigma, accords with the theory of ascription, or, how we attach causes to conditions and events.

Under this theory, explanations of errant behavior that implicate the brain—the physical, embodied seat of personal agency—suggest that affected people cannot control their actions. In contrast, psychological explanations that invoke conscious decision-making may engender more blame by making a person seem more responsible for what they do, but also induce hope that they can change their mind and their behavior.

Kelly’s work shows that “stigma” is not a unitary phenomenon. Rather, it encompasses several dimensions. Thus, the term “chronically relapsing brain disease” may reduce one aspect of stigma while increasing others.

This means the campaigns aimed at politicians and the public should rethink and likely tailor their message to match the audience.

Thus, for example, to temper feelings of blame, treatment providers might use the term “chronically relapsing brain disease” to ensure that shame does not keep drug-using individuals and their families from seeking help. This is the approach taken by the famed Hazelden/Betty Ford.

Alternatively, presenting addiction as a “problem” might enhance policy makers’ optimism about prospects for recovery and encourage more funding for treatment programs. Employers, housing or school administrators, too, might view someone being treated for a “problem” as less dangerous than someone with a “brain disease.”

It might seem sly to treat different audiences differently, but this happens all the time in the private sector. You might tout an automobile’s performance to one audience and its safety to another. This kind of nuance would help when it comes to addiction.

Now is a good time to do some rethinking. Soon there will be new directors of key federal agencies with major public outreach responsibilities — the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration the Office of National Drug Control Policy (aka the office of the Drug Czar). We urge them and the Biden Administration to heed this insight on shaping public opinion about addiction and its treatment.

by Sally Satel and John F. Kelly

The authors have no relevant financial relationships.


Maintaining Mental Health During Today’s New Normal

If today’s new normal is increasing your feelings of stress, anxiety and even depression, you’re not alone. In this week’s health tip, we turn to Katherine Daly, a licensed psychologist who leads counseling and wellness services for UCF medical students, on ways to maintain your mental health during this challenging time:

  • Be intentional about your emotional health right now. Be honest with yourself – what are you feeling? Irritable? Sluggish? Panicked? Unmotivated? Angry? These emotions are normal given all the changes we’ve seen in our daily lives over the past few months. So give yourself permission to feel as you feel. The important step is to identify the things that add to your stress and set out to find things that bring you more peace.
  • For example, we all want to stay informed, but overexposure to the news and social media can add to some people’s stress. If 24/7 news on the pandemic hits an emotional nerve, access more data-driven sites like the CDC’s COVID-19 website. Instead of being glued to social media, pick up the phone and call a friend. Write a letter to a relative. Find safer ways to connect.
  • Make sure you are maintaining the pillars of physical health. Eat nutritious foods – preparing a healthy meal can be a relaxing experience for some people. Be sure you are getting enough sleep and exercise. Because many of us are working from home, our daily physical activities have changed. We’re not hustling down the hall for a meeting or taking the stairs to get to our offices. Those simple changes can make you feel sluggish. So take a break from your home office every hour for a quick walk outside or around the house. Walk around during a phone meeting. Find ways to move.

If you’re working from home, you don’t have a daily commute. So use that time to focus on your mental health in a place that feels safe and secure.

  • Create a sanctuary. If you’re working from home, you don’t have a daily commute. So use that time to focus on your mental health in a place that feels safe and secure. Have your morning coffee or tea on the porch or outside. Listen to the birds or some soothing music or nature sounds on tape. Meditate. Go outside and notice the trees and flowers. Spend some uninterrupted time with your pet.
  • Give yourself a break. It’s OK right now to rest and reflect. Use your physical distancing time to invest in your wellness. Pick up a self-growth book. Take up a hobby you never had time to do before. Read for enjoyment. Start online yoga. Journal. Sketch.
  • Remember the things that bring you joy and be grateful. It’s easy to focus on all the things that are going wrong in the world and in your life. At the end of each day, take time to reflect on what happened that was good. Get a jar and each day write on a slip of paper something for which you are grateful. On a bad day, reach into the jar, grab one of the slips and read it. End each day by counting your blessings.
  • Focus on what you can control. During stressful times, it’s easy to think you are powerless. Focus on the actions you can take to exert some control over your life. You can’t change how other people react to COVID-19. But you can be sure you always wear a mask in public. If it gives you more comfort to have groceries delivered to your home rather than venture out, then do it. Be sure you are following up with your healthcare provider on screenings and management of chronic diseases. Be sure you are filling your prescriptions. Have ibuprofen, fluids and recommended over-the-counter medications if you become sick as a way to feel more empowered by being prepared.

If your stress is impacting the quality of your life, seek professional help. It’s important to remember that you are not alone.


The authors have no relevant financial relationships.

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